The art you place in your home is a story. A thread that binds people together, even through time and space.
This thread begins with an isolated artist having an honest conversation with themselves. The more attuned they become to their self, the more attuned they can become with you. The artist can then tell you a story without words. Play you a song without sound. Make you feel without touch. Make you smell without a fragrance. They can even make you laugh or cry without words.
You take an artist's piece in your hands. It becomes a part of you. You share it with others. It becomes a part of them. In this way, the thread weaves onward, though space and time.
My name is Sara. I'm an artist trying to have honest conversations with myself, so I can then have them with you, and you can then have them with others.
At this time, cats are my primary muses. Seems like I spend all my days sculpting, painting, and drawing them. But I also like horses, sci fi, and general fantasy art. So I may occasionally create horse, sci fi, or general fantasy artworks. I also like to write stories, and combine them with my art.
In the past, I primarily sculpted tiny OOAK (one-of-a-kind or original) cats using polymer clay. Lately, I've been passionate about painting on canvas or panel. I also make molds and cast small cats out of resin. Truth be told, I enjoy rotating between these three art forms, depending on what inspires me.
There's all kinds of cool stuff in my shop. Check it out! I update it frequently. If you need a new T-shirt, sticker, clock, coffee mug, notepad, print, or mouse-pad, I may have just the thing to make your day.
Like many artists, I don't always have original paintings, sculptures, or resins readily available, simply because the best pieces sell quickly.
Want an original work of art?
First, subscribe to my mailing list. Then you'll get an email whenever something is available. I won't spam your inbox every day; I wish I was that prolific of an artist! Alternatively, you can closely follow me on Bluesky.
Thank you for stopping by! And sorry for all the glittery pink cat hair.
Have a purrfect day.